The planning process is involved in shaping how we interact with each other, our environment and the wider economy.
Spacehouse Limited publish several sector leading titles including New Start, which covers regeneration, communities, economic development and housing. We also publish the Environment Journal which covers energy, housing, pollution, waste & recycling and transport. As planning is central to both these products and associated sectors the development of Planning News was a natural progression to offer comprehensive coverage of this core market.
With around 500,000 planning applications being submitted every year, the planning process is central to how we live and work. From Local Transport Plans and Local Plans, through to Neighbourhood Development Plans and Listed Building Consent – planning plays a key role. As we move towards a greener, renewable future the planning process again comes to the fore with applications for solar energy farms and wind turbines amongst many others. If one includes areas such as tree and bio diversity protection, hazardous substances consent and environmental permits – it’s clear to see that the planning processes are both far reaching and often complex.
Planning News brings together the planning news, features and research from our wider media portfolio, offering those who work within the planning industry a new perspective of key initiatives and developments.
We hope you will join us on the journey!
Planning News offers:
News – daily updates from our respected editorial team.
Interviews – with the key opinion formers and decision makers.
Weekly Newsletters – once a week readers receive an update on all they need to know.
Library Archive – a wealth of information offering indepth analysis of the sector.
Jobs – many of the leading planning jobs.
In Practice – the latest developments and practices from the sector.